Training of auditor/lead auditor of „ISO 22000:2018“ - Food Safety Management Systems
Training of auditor/lead auditor of „ISO 22000:2018“ - Food Safety Management Systems
Training of auditor/lead auditor of „ISO 22000:2018“ - Food Safety Management Systems



Purpose and scope:


Food safety is a shared responsibility of the government, producers and consumers, ensured by the joint efforts of all parties involved in the food chain.


Certification of qualified food safety management systems auditors/lead auditors is important to ensure that the country controls food safety and avoids or minimizes risks that pose a threat to human health and well-being.


Through the ISO 22000:2018 auditor/lead auditor training course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to design, conduct and report on a third-party food safety management system certification/consulting audit program.


Food Safety Management Systems ISO 22000:2018 Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Needs:


·       Managers of agriculture, primary production, food processing, storage or distribution, as well as in the field of public catering, cleaning service provider and equipment manufacturing company managers;

·       Legal entities interested in studying the principles and methods of conducting first, second and third party audits;

·       Internal auditors, project coordinators, administration representatives;

·       Auditors working in the public or private sector who need more competence in the audit process;

·       Auditors of certifying organizations.


2. An application for certification can be submitted by: any interested parties;


3. Certification program:

Training language: Georgian/English/Russian;
Training period: 32 hr-4 days
Training cost: 800$ (Equivalent in GEL)

During the course of training, you will learn:


Day 1 and Day 2: ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management Systems:


·       The essence and purpose of food safety management systems;

·       Advantages and benefits of having food safety management systems in the organization;

·       General overview of ISO 22000:2018 standard;

·       Purpose and success factors of food safety management systems;

·       ISO 22000:2018 Basic terms and definitions of food safety management systems;

·       ISO 22000:2018 Basic principle of food safety management systems;

·       Using the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle in ISO 22000:2018 food safety management systems;

·       Interpretation of requirements of ISO 22000:2018 food safety management systems and application in the organization.


Day 3: Management system auditor - Exemplar Global – AU - ISO19011:2018


  • Implementation of the audit guidelines;
  • Internal auditor responsibility and role;
  • Internal Audit requirements;
  • Basic audit terms and definitions;
  • Aim, scope, criteria and methods of audit;
  • Audit types, principles and best practice;
  • Responsibilities of auditors and auditees;
  • Audit plan, performance, reporting and further control;
  • Using a procedural approach in the audit process;
  • Risk-based thinking application in an audit;


Day 4 - Management systems Lead auditor -Exemplar Global – TL - ISO 19011:2018


  • Responsibility of lead auditor and audit team;
  • Selection of the members of audit team;
  • Competence of audit team;
  • Conduct an audit:

           - preparation for audit activities; 
           - audit commencement;
           - audit activities management;
           - identification of noncompliances;
           - Completion of the audit;
           - preparation and distribution of the audit report;
           - Conducting a post-audit control audit.


  • Opening & Closing meetings;
  • Audit methodology (on site/ remote audit);
  • Leadership and responsibilities of Auditors;
  • Complex situation management during the audit;
  • Audit involved parties’ communication during the audit;
  • Requirements for the 1st stage and the 2nd stage of audit.

4. E-application: Take 
Online registration for training here

5. Certificate issuance and terms: the certificate is issued to the training participants after successfully passing the exam tests for Auditor/Lead Auditor training course. Within 2 weeks after the test, you will receive the ISO 22000:2018 auditor/lead auditor international certificate of food safety management systems ISO 22000:2018 of the company "G-certi Co" accredited by the American center "International Accreditation Service" (IAS) for a period of 3 years.

6. Registry: After handing over the certificate, you are registered in the unified electronic register of auditors of the company «G-certi Co». Validity of the certificate may be checked on the link:



What is the threshold percentage of the training exam and what happened if I failed?
threshold of the exam is correct answer to 70% of questions asked. In the event of failure, the candidate pays 50$ (equivalent in Gel) for exam and additional chance is given during a month;
Is the training possible to be delivered after working hours or on weekends?
training daily duration normally amounts to 8 hrs ( lunch break is included in the training cost), respectively, the training can not be delivered after working hours. 4 days of training may be planned so that two days may be day off.
What kind of manuals are needed?
Training center provides the candidate with needed manual and stationaries, respective to the appropriate international standard;
At least how many people are needed in the group for the training to deliver?
At least 6 people should present in order the training to be delivered.