The measurement of working zone quality indicator
Our experience:
The team of “Eco-Spectri” LTD has
a long working experience in measuring quality indicators of
working zones. The Company has been providing measurement services
both, on the territory of Georgia and beyond its borders both, for
state bodies and international financial institutions (Asian
Development Bank, European Investment Bank, World Bank, European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.).
When the measurement of
working zone quality indicators is needed?
As per the requirements of the
Law of Georgia on Labor Safety, an employer or a company management
is obliged to check, measure and evaluate the physical factors of
the company’s working environment with the periodicity envisaged by
the Legislation of Georgia and plan/introduce and realize relevant
measures to avoid any threat of the above-said factors to the
employees as well as the health and safety of other persons in the
working zone.
Services we
- Temperature measurement;
- Humidity measurement;
- Air current velocity measurement;
- Industrial noise measurement;
- Vibration (velocity, acceleration) measurement;
- Measurement of fibrogenic aerosols (dust) PM2.5, PM10, TSP;
- Illuminance/light measurement;
- Measurement of heat energy current intensities;
- Ionizing radiation measurement;
- Ultrasound and infrasound measurement;
- Non-ionizing radiation measurement;
- Electromagnetic field tension measurement.

Methods and techniques to
measure the quality indicators of a working zone:
In order to ensure safe and sound
working environment and to avoid accidents at work, an employer is
obliged to measure the working zone quality indicators. Such a
measurement is provided in line with the legislation of Georgia
regulating the technical issues, timing, period, characteristics
and other features of measurements. Eco-Spectri Ltd., by
considering the legislation of Georgia and advanced international
practice, has developed the measurement methods and procedures,
which are in line with both, the national legislation and the
internationally recognized legislative standards. The method of
measurements is instrumental, and for this purpose, the Company has
its own various measuring tools of different brands made in the
world leading countries (USA, New Zealand, Germany, Poland). These
tools are high-class measuring instruments (in line with the IEC
requirements), including I-Class appliances. Measurement reports
are drafted following the measurements giving the detailed data of
the measurement results.
Duration and prices of
measurement and analysis services of the working zone quality
The time and price of the
services are calculated individually, depending on the numbers of
measurement points, task complexity and scale, as well as specific
indicators and environmental conditions.
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