Measurement of water quality indicators
Our experience
The team of “Eco-Spectri” LTD has
a long working experience in the field of measurement water quality
indicators. The Company has been providing measurement services
both, on the territory of Georgia and beyond its borders both, for
state bodies and international financial institutions (Asian
Development Bank, European Investment Bank, World Bank, European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.).
When is the water quality
measurement needed?
- When evaluating the water quality;
- When obtaining and analyzing the hydrological data;
- During the construction of hydraulic facilities;
- In case of impact on underground and surface waters;
- When discharging pollutants into the water;
- When evaluating the quality of a concrete water area;
- In designing and constructing bridges;
- When identifying pollution at water tributaries;
- In the EIA Report preparation phase;
- On the request of physical and/or legal entities.

Services we
- Measurement of sea water quality;
- Measurement of river water quality;
- Measurement of water quality in watercourses and artificial basins;
- Measurement of quality in surface waters;
- Water acidity measurements;
- Measurement of water oxidation-reduction potential (ORP);
- Measurement of water conductivity;
- Measurement of water ATC temperature;
- Water turbidity measurement.
Methods and techniques to
measure the water quality
The water quality is measured
with American instruments. Equipped with various probes, the
multifunctional measuring devices test pH, mV, ORP, conductivity,
acidity, turbidity and temperature of water samples. USB Port can
be used to process the obtained results with the computer software.
For each measurement, by considering the environmental conditions,
the water sampling points with a special device are selected. Each
sample is given its unique number by indicating relevant details
(sample number, sampling site, sampling depth, etc.). After testing
each sample, a relevant act is drawn to incorporate the results of
measurement and environmental details.
Duration and prices of measuring the water quality
The time and price of the
services are calculated individually, depending on the numbers of
measurement points, task complexity and scale, as well as specific
indicators and environmental conditions.
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