Frequently asked questions
Why Eco-Spectri“?

12 years of work experience of our company, team of international experts and consultants, high specter and quality of service, individual and partner level cooperation with the customer serve as a guaranty for your right choice. The company Ltd. „Eco-Spectri“ has implemented the large infrastructural projects of World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, Asian Development Bank and others, funded by the international funding institutions within Georgia and 5 foreign countries such are: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. In 2012 the company Ltd.“Eco-Spectri” entered into the franchise agreement with the Korean company Ltd.„G-CERTI Co.“, pursuant to which, it was authorized to act on behalf of it on the market, perform advertising and any other activities, Ltd.„G-CERTI Co.“ is authorized to perform, deliver certification audits in quality, environmental, occupational health and safety management systems along with other trainings, accredited by the American Accreditaion Center «International Accreditacion Service» (IAS).
Due to COVID 19 spread, almost any certification body, operating on domain of Georgia face grand problem of bringing trainers and experts from foreign countries. Ltd.“Eco-Spectri” is manned by the internationally accredited staff, who are eligible to deliver certification audits. The audits are performed in Georgian language, appropriately, internal documents, produced within the organization require no translation. .
Cooperating with us – is a precondition of success of your business!What is a route the company shout take over the course of certification?
International expert team with many years of work experience, high level of responsibility and huge practice of individual approach to the clients of our company will assist you to opt the
management system required and meaningful to your business development. We will deliver so called
GAP Analysis to develop and introduce management systems to your company. We will provide your staff with the trainings, who will be responsible to control their activity respective to the requirement of a particular management system. We will draft so called
„SWOT Analysis“, which specified strong and weak sides, threats and expectations of the company, external and internal interested parties. Staff of our international certification service will give you hand in performing the labor-consuming procedures.
Having conformed the management system, introduced to the company with the international standards,
management system evaluation and certification application may be drafted. Having eradicated two-phased certification audit and and the flows detected ( if any), management systems international certificate of the company
«G-certi Co» , accredited by the American Center «International Accreditacion Service» (IAS) will be awarded to you for three years term. Within validity of this certificate, supervisory audits will be provided in pursuit of management system maintenance and improvement, which serves as a precondition for your business succession and boosting the competitiveness on the market.
Why the certification is so meaningful?
if your company meets the requirements of international standards, it means, that you assuredly provide the customer with the production or service of a desired quality. Is.e you hold: high quality, safety, reliability, functionality, ecology- smooth and safe operation of the products, systems, equipment and the tools, which is an outcome of their compatibility with the requirements of the standard. ISO forms and institution, which elaborates thousands of standards, promoting global welfare improvement.
Evaluation of conformity with the international standards, refers to product test-whether or not the products, materials, service, systems, processes or human resources meet the requirements of a specific standard or specification.
ISO standard compatibility means meeting the quality international requirement.
Stakeholders of economic field agree on the specifications or criteria, permanently applied in material specifications, production and delivery, test and analysis, terminology application and service provision. Hence, international standards form an etalon or shared technological language between the providers and their consumers, which supports trade and other relations, including technology transfer.
What two phase certification audit stands for?
the first phase certification audit specifies compatibility of management system documents, developed by the client with the applicable law of Georgia and the international standard requirements. To this end, we shall ensure:
- Client work environment assessment and interviews with the top managers interview;
- Collecting and analysis of appropriate document within the management systems including the information about client’s work environment/site , applied processes and equipment, control mechanisms and internal audit;
- Internal audit and management systems monitoring ( if any);
- Studying and assessment of analysis performed by the top managers;
The second stage of certification audit is performed on the ground. To this end we ensure resource distribution and accommodation of the second stage specifics with the client. The second stage filed is specified under mutual agreement of the parties, based on the first stage audit report.
What does supervisory audit imply?
The second stage of the certification audit implies so called “supervisory audit”, which forms one of the major commitment of our company experts.
It the frame of the supervisory audit, all the issues and document that are to be ensured within the supervisory audit are checked up. Supervision takes place from time to time and stipulation checking the conformity of the actions, takes within the organization with the international standard requirements.
What actions are taken when the nonconformity is detected?
Eco-Spectri experts are responsible for analyzing the information and documents obtained within the supervisory audit and drafting appropriate audit reports and study outcomes, which are submitted to the organization, whereas the latter one is committed to eradicate the inconformity , if any, respective to the international standard requirements within a reasonable term and considering the correcting measures provided by the experts.
Is the management system introduction possible without certification?
Yes, possible. Ltd.“Eco-Spectri“, offers the staff, manned by high skilled and senior experts , oriented to drafting the inculcation of the documents, prepared in accordance with the international standard requirement.
Besides, our company delivers consultations to any stakeholder. Based on the consultation, you will be able to better recite with ISO standardization system along with those meaningful procedures, which are directly linked to appropriate system introduction.
What is the way out, if the company holds no documented information?
In this case, our company consultants visit you along with the subject matter experts and launch studying and analyzing any processes and procedures, you apply for production or rendering service. Having studied these processes, out consultants will record all those processes and procedures and assist you to methodize and introduce them. For the next phase, our company consultants will help you to audit the processes and procedures elaborated and introduced to the company. whereas, in the event of detecting any inconformity with the international standard requirements, they will provide you with the correcting actions.
What time does the management system implementation take and how much does it cost?
Management system inculcation time depends on:
- The ordered the documents, produced within the organization;
- Qualification and skill of the staff in terms of control and command of the international standard requirement ;
- Complexity of elaboration and inculcation of the management system within the company; Appropriately, the term and cost of service is specified individually in the aftermath of particular work process evaluation of the company.
What time does the management system certification take and how much does it cost?
Management system certification time depends on:
- The activity of the company and complexity of certification respectively;
- The number of the sites and organization elements of the company.
- The number of employees and work shifts; Respectively, the term and cost of service is specified individually in the aftermath of particular work process evaluation of the company.
What does preliminary assessment audit stands for?
Preliminary assessment audit is the audit, performed prior to certification audit, in order to specify the quality of organization management system with the international standard requirements. Ex: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 etc.
Preliminary assessment is not a mandatory audit and takes place at the company’s discretion, which needs to ascertain its preparedness for certification.
What is the primary goal of preliminary assessment?
Preliminary assessment holds various aims, however the major one serves to highlight potential inconformity and specify correcting actions prior to launching the certification audit.
Who the preliminary assessment audit need?
Any institutions, which has already inculcated management system and desires to specify the preparedness of the organization for certification audit.
Who is eligible of delivering the preliminary assessment audit?
Preliminary assessment audit may be delivered by the certification body /register, like G-Certi“ or a qualified consultant or competent entity, holding an experience and command of appropriate industrial sector and management system.
What does the preliminary assessment audit process stand for?
Preliminary assessment may take place on the site. Preliminary assessment audit is performed by the similar independency and the objectivity , like the certification one. It covers document overview , process consideration with the process holders and interviews with the other meaningful staff to ensure conformity with the management system requirements.
Audit report forms a ground for the organization in order to improve processes and take appropriate correcting measures prior to launching the certification audit.
What are the advantages of preliminary assessment audit?
Preliminary assessment audit performance holds the advantages as follows:
- Inconformity identification and correcting measure taking prior to actual certification audit.
- Preparation for the certification audit based on the preliminary assessment audit report;
- Underscoring the weakness, which may trigger inconformity with the international standard requirements over the course of certification audit.
- More trust to certification audit or putting the audit off, which is already pllaned based on the preliminary assessment outcomes;
- Avoiding excess, additional expenses for delivering the repeated audit.
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