ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems certification
What does ISO 14001:2015
EMS Environmental management systems stands for?
Environmental management system is an international standard and forms a part of a common management system of a company, which is normally applied for managing the aspects, performing legislative requirements and obligations assumed and addressing the risks whether existing or expected.
Present international standard is designed for specifying the action field for organizations, the company will take an environmental activity within it, respective to the requirements of the international standards. Besides, it aims to timely respond any changes, inside and outside of the company. The standard aims to elaborate, introduce, maintain and constantly improve the environmental management systems of the company.
Present international standard conforms with any internationally acknowledged standard. Let’s make the world better together!
How is 14001:2015
environmental management system certified?

- Two –phased certification audit performance;
- Audit report drafting;
- Preparation and introduction of any correcting measures, in the event of discovering any inconformity with the international standard requirements.
Management system maintenance and improvement is as much important, which will support success of your business and promotes its competitiveness on the market. Having awarded the international certificate, two supervisory audit is performed, out of which, the first stage is conducted in a year after handing the certificate, whereas the second one in two years. Upon expiration of the certificate, new agreement is concluded and the certification process is launched over again.
Do you want to certify ISO 14001:2015 environmental management systems? Register online.
What is the benefit of
introduction the environmental management system to the
Systemic approach of environmental management system can ensure long term success of the organization top managers and provide the appropriate conditions considering the factor as follows:
- To produce production or render service considering the follow up factors: (i)avoiding harmful impact on the environment, (ii) mollifying harmful impact; (iii) impact management and/or compensation;
- Avoid, minimize or manage: ineffective consumption of the resources, waste improper management, thermal gas origin, ecosystem deterioration and biodiversity losing;
- Elaborate, inculcate and maintain the processes, which ensure conformity of any activities of the company with the requirements of national legislative base and the commitments, undertaken by the company.
- Constant improvement of the environment activity;
- Constant control of the produced goods or service rendered in order to assure the effectiveness of the recent procedures, on the one hand and avoid unplanned ecological impact on the environment.
- Providing environmental information to the respective stakeholders.
Potential benefit of quality management system introduction to the company are as follows:
- Skill, to permanently supply product and render service, which meets the demands of the customer, and respective legislative and governing requirements operable in environmental field;
- Strengthening environmental activity of the company;
- Performing conformity commitments;
- Reaching environmental goals.
Who is eligible to apply
ISO 14001:2015 environmental management systems
ISO 14001:2015 standard applies to any organization, nevertheless the type, character ad size of the company. It is normally used for activities, products and service environmental aspects, the organization sets and which may control or impact on the lifecycle prospects. Present international standard sets no particular criteria for environmental activities.
This international standard may be applied partly or as a whole for systemic improvement of the environmental management. However, statements upon conformity with the said standards are not accepted unless all the requirement are involved in the environmental management system of the organization and fulfilled without exception.