Consultation audit performance
What does consultation
audit performance stand for?
International expert team of Ltd.“Eco-Spectri“ will assist you in delivering consultation audit to your company and contractor, subcontractor or provider organizations. As a result, the top managers’ team of the company will procure the proves, that:
- Audited policy, procedures, management systems and instruction of the company conforms to the international standard requirements;
- The company takes its activity in accordance with the elaborated management plans;
- The company strives to improve products or service permanently;
- Existing or expected contractor, subcontractor or provider takes actions respective to the standard requirements and presents a credible partner.

How is the consultation audit performed?
Consultation audit is performed in two phases:
The first phase:
- International experts of Ltd.“Eco-Spectri“will study the management plans, devised by the company and specify their conformity to the international standard requirements;
- In the event of any inconformity, detected, they will delegate authorized entities, responsible for correcting measures and specify the terms of the actions to be taken;
- having taken the correcting measures, additional audit is delivered to determine the effectiveness of the actions taken.
- International experts of Ltd.“Eco-Spectri“ will deliver audit to ascertain the conformity of the actions, taken by the company with the management plans, devised by them;
- In the event of any conformity detected, they will elaborate correcting measures, determine authorized entities responsible for taking correcting actions along with the terms of the actions to be performed;
- Having taken the correcting actions, they will deliver additional audit to determine the effectiveness of the actions, taken;