Davit Kaviladze
Senior specialist of
settlement and social issues:
He has graduated
from State technical University of c.Vinitsy
(Ukraine) major in machine business in 1995 and
was awarded the degree of engineer-mechanician. In 2018
-2019, he has successfully completed the following accredited
courses of “Exemplar Global” and received
international certification in: ISO19001:2015
– auditing of management systems, ISO
45001:2018 - auditor/lead auditor of occupational health
and safety management systems, ISO
22000:2018 - auditor/lead auditor of food safety
management systems, ISO
27001:2022 auditor/lead auditor of information
security management systems and ISO
14001:2015 – auditor/lead auditor of environmental
management systems. On November, 2021 David
Kaviladze, was
aworded the status
of auditor of ISO 9001:2015 quality management
systems by the international Registry of Certified Auditors
"Exemplar Global". Work experience: Davit Kaviladze
has been working as senior resettlement and social issues
specialist in “Eco-Spectri”
Ltd since 2008. With the specialization
given above, he has participated in the infrastructural projects of
state importance, funded by the international financial
institutions (IFIs), like: “Preparation of the
Design Services for the Construction of the Road Connecting
Lentekhi and Mestia Municipalities and Feasibility Study for the
Construction of the Road Tunnel” (2019); “Preparation of
Resettlement Action Plan for Barisakho-Shatili road project
rehabilitation” (2018); „Preparation of the Design
Documentation to Construct the Road on Chakvi-Makhinjauri Section
of Senaki-Poti-Sarpi International Road and Implementation of the
Rehabilitation Works” (2018); „Construction of the Marshal Gelovani
Avenue and Mtkvari River Right Bank Intersection” (2018).
„Solid waste management in Adjara Republic” (2016-2017); “Urban
Regeneration of Historical Streets in Dusheti, Urban Regeneration
of Abastumani and Tourism Development for Ananuri Castle
Sub-Project” (2017); “Improvement of Chumateleti-Khevi Section of
E-60 Highway” (2016); “Georgian Railway Modernization”
(2016-2017); „Tbilisi-Rustavi road modernization project”
(2013).; „Technical–economic support of Poti-Anaklia road project”
(2010); “ Solid Municipal Waste Management in Adjara A/R”
(2008-2009 ); „Bakuriani water supply and wastewater system
rehabilitation project“ (2011).